About the Kekistani People

The people of Kekistan, often referred to as “ethnic Kekistanis”, are a diverse group of like-minded and oppressed people. After the fall of Kekistan, the Kekistani people fled across the globe, and as such, many people are just beginning to find their Kekistani roots once more.

The modern Kekistani people vary greatly among each other. They include people of all races, genders, faiths, sexual orientations and political ideologies. However, despite these conflicting factors, they all retain core political principles on the freedom of speech, opposing censorship, opposing identity politics, dethroning the Establishment and fighting for the rights of their fellow Kekistani brethren.

The Kekistani religion, Esoteric Kekism, is largely a relic of the past. Many Kekistani people identify as atheists. Much of the original scripture is lost or burned, but that which remains is still being pieced together from old libraries and ancient collections of artefacts.

Modern Kekistanis have found solace online, and form groups with like-minded Kekistani people. As their generations are some of the first whom have grown up on the internet, it is no surprise that the Kekistani people utilise memes and Meme Magicks in their daily lives. Many of these Kekistani people shitpost frequently, and trolling is seen as one of the primary ways to have fun, as an ethnic Kekistani.

Kekistani people generally just want to re-establish the open marketplace of ideas and live out their lives in peace, trolling those who take things far too seriously. However, at every turn, they are haunted by oppression. Descendants of the Cuckistani nation state have been awake for much longer, since the start of the event known as “GamerGate”. The Kekistani people are still waking up since the Kekistani revival at the start of 2017 and are trying to live with their newfound heritage. But, there are those who seek to silence them at every turn.

The Kekistani people have always been oppressed, though today’s oppression is a far cry from the slaughters that occurred in ancient history. Today’s oppression is fought with words and persuasion, something that the Kekistani people tend to be good at. This has led to mass de-platforming and protests of speech for proclaimed Kekistanis, degenerating in some cases to actual altercations with the protestors, usually initiated by those protesting against the Kekistani.

The Kekistani people are a resilient and proud people, and aim to once again fight for the liberation of their peoples. Not with fists, but with their ideas, transposed onto the modern world. This approach has gone a long way, and has helped the Kekistani cause greatly in this time of unprecedented peace. Never the less, the war of words presses on, and the Kekistani people look forward to a better, greater future.