Modern Day Conflicts

The Kekistani people have many modern-day conflicts, as a result of past conflicts and current rivalries in the world.

Some of these conflicts stem from religion, some from ideologies and some from groups in the modern day that take a dim view of the re-emergence of the Kekistani people.

Categorised below are the groups of conflicting parties, and the players within those parties. Please bear in mind that this is just a selection of the most prominent and active conflicting parties.

Please bear in mind, this is only a generalisation of the Kekistani viewpoint. Though these views will almost always be held by an average Kekistani, like other groups of people’s, there will always be a degree of disagreement among the group. All of these pages have gone through a large Kekistani focus group with unanimous support of their contents.

Social Justice

Third/Fourth-Wave Feminism
Black Lives Matter
“He Will Not Divide Us”

The Establishment

The European Union
The Mainstream Media
Hillary Clinton

Authoritarian Groups

The Alt Right

Terrorist Organisations

Radical Islam