
Who are Antifa?

Antifa are a group of activists who claim to be fighting against fascism. In modern history, this has taken the form of protesting people whom they classify as right wing, stretching the definition of “Nazi” to cover the person whom they protest against.

Antifa have taken to adopting Black Bloc tactics when it comes to protesting. They tend to dress in full black, including a black clothes that conceal parts of their face. This is to ensure a level of anonymity to the police and other protesters, which gives them a larger amount of freedom to commit crimes during protests.

Antifa are most known for their actions during such protests. Antifa have demonstrated a lack of physical restraint in modern protests, causing violent outbursts at nearly every event they have attended. They have been prone to causing riots, in which Antifa proceeds to smash windows, loot businesses, vandalise property, setting fires, torching vehicles and slashing vehicle tyres.

The weapons of choice for Antifa in these situations can range from mundane items, such as bricks and baseball bats, to much more lethal items, such as knives and Molotov cocktails. Some of the more inventive weapons include a bike lock, as well as a bottle of urine, poured over a reporter covering the event.

Those who are unfortunate enough to find themselves targetted by Antifa members can be subjected to intimidation, doxxing, threats of violence and physical violence. This is not just limited to opponents, but also to general bystanders and journalists. Antifa tend to be hostile to journalists of all kinds, and will often threaten and attempt to silence them by blocking their access to the scene, destroying equipment or simply physically assaulting them. Antifa also utilise social media to co-ordinate activities, which has led to some journalists being actively stalked while covering Antifa’s actions, which could easily lead to a targetted attack on these journalists.

Antifa believe Capitalism is an abhorrent system, and wish to take it down. it is not certain exactly what they would replace Capitalism with, but it would likely be Anarchism or Communism. Possibly a mixture of both.

They also fall under the social justice movement, believing much of their ideologies, particularly when it comes to identity politics and unrestricted immigration.

Antifa prop themselves up as an anti-fascist movement. However, their actions are completely contrary to their ideals. They use physical violence to shut down their opponents, a network of “plants” to track the movement of dissidents, claim to have the moral high-ground in their ideology and refuse to accept or listen to any opposing view. They have repeatedly called for the deaths of Trump supporters, police officers and straight white males. In this sense, they are pinning themselves down as an anti-fascist movement, while acting as a fascist movement.

In September of 2017, it was leaked that the group had been considered a domestic terrorist group by the American FBI and DHS for over a year. This was around the time that a recent petition had asked the Whitehouse to designate Antifa a terrorist group, leading to some believing the two events were connected.

By Any Means Necessary

One of the allied groups of Antifa is the organisation known as BAMN, otherwise known as “By Any Means Necessary”. BAMN is headed by Yvette Felarca, a teacher at the Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School in Berkeley. While not claiming proper affiliation or integration with Antifa, many of their activities have coincided with one another, leading to an undeniable connection between the two groups.

BAMN put a greater emphasis on inequality between minorities, playing into identity politics more than Antifa generally does. They are also far more vocal with their demand for unrestricted immigration. Beyond this, the goals of the two groups are almost identical. BAMN are also closely tied to Black Lives Matter, having arranged several protests with the BLM group.

In July of 2017, Yvette was arrested and charged with “inciting and participating in a riot and assault likely to cause great bodily injury” due to her actions at the rally, including punching a protester repeatedly in the chest while he was trying to get the attention of the police.

Why do Kekistanis conflict with Antifa?

The Kekistani people are a peaceful group, and abhor the violence and rioting that Antifa have consistently displayed in their protests. The Kekistani people have also been very oppressed by Antifa, whom label them Nazis, and thus, opponents to be physically attacked, doxxed and monetarily restricted. Antifa commonly label any opponent they have as either being a fascist, or supporting/apologising for fascism. This allows them to then justify violence against such opponents, which has suppressed the free speech of those whom Antifa has targetted.

Antifa believe in the selective application of free speech based on political views, a right that Kekistani people deem a fundamental human right. Even if the views of these so-called Nazis are fascist and despicable, ethnic Kekistanis believe that their free speech should be protected. This is not to be conflated with agreement of the speech, but that humanity thrives in an open and honest marketplace of ideas. Ideas should be out in the open to be considered, mocked or debated. To exclude an idea from open dialogue is to create echo-chambers for all sides of the debate, leading to group mentalities and violence between the opposing opinions.

Intimidation by Antifa is commonplace in their protests. Reporters, opponents and police are threatened, shouted down and attacked in Antifa rallies. The Kekistani people are against intimidation from all sides, and find this behaviour disgraceful.

Antifa are also anti-democracy. They wish to remove President Trump from his elected position as President of the United States of America. To overthrow Trump would be contrary to the entire democratic process, regardless of an individual’s political leanings. Further, they are anti-Capitalism, favouring Communism and Anarchism, both of which have failed in all applications in other countries. Kekistanis largely support Capitalism over other systems due to the much better quality of life as well as the baked-in concept of meritocracy.

Kekistani people are also against identity politics, which has been largely been pushed by Social Justice Warriors. Antifa share their views with these kinds of people, putting their views on society at odds with the people of Kekistan. Along with identity politics, the Kekistani people believe that unrestricted immigration is bad for the host country, as demonstrated by the increase in migrant attacks on the European continent.